Monday, November 2, 2009

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet is a 2002 documentary (back then Muslims were 20 percent of world population compared to 25 percent today,) produced by Alexander Kronemer and Michael Wolfe, and directed by Michael Schwarz. (Watch the 2 hr movie for free: compliments of

The documentary features contemporary Americans talking about Muhammad and Islam. Listen to what Karen Armstrong, author of Mohammed: A Prophet For Our Time, says about Mohammad as having brought for 23 years a "new beacon for the world."

The love of Muhammad that unites Muslims together is "the source of how to behave, of how to be a constructive citizen" among other values that Muslims aspire to from the teachings of their prophet, says Michael Wolfe, author of Hadj and Taking Back Islam: American Muslims Reclaim Their Faith.

He is the messenger of God's complete religion, the loving father, the compassionate husband, the caring friend and tutor, and the merciful human who transcends in wholesome virtues to help humanity get back on the straight path: the path of testifiying to the One God. He is the teacher, not any teacher, but THE teacher. One cannot understand how this man continues to influence the lives of the 1.57 billion Muslims 1430 years after he received revelations without examining all the previous traits of his personality.

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